5 Reasons to Schedule a Fall Furnace Clean and Check
Once the cooler weather hits here in Olympia this fall, you are going to want the inside of your home toasty and comfortable. This means turning on your furnace. Long...
Why Is My AC Blowing Hot Air?
It’s the first really hot day of summer in Olympia when the floor fans and the open windows just don’t cut it anymore. You head over to your thermostat and...
How Can You Manage Your Home’s Humidity?
Indoor humidity is a drag. It makes relaxing extremely difficult—after all, you are sweating inside your home! It can affect your health, triggering asthma attacks and flaring allergies. It tends...
Heat Pump Versus Furnace
Looking to install a new heater in your Tumwater home? Your two most popular choices are a heat pump and a furnace. Each one has advantages and disadvantages when compared...
How to Eliminate Dust in My Home
Everyone has it, and nobody wants it. Dust. It’s rampant everywhere around the country and has become the subject of a lighthearted, frequently repeated myth at both the US Environmental...
Air Filters vs. Air Cleaners
Our highly climate-controlled indoor environments can often be extremely comfortable in our modern world. Combine that with the fact so many of our daily needs are easily met without needing...
Tips to Troubleshoot Your Thermostat
If your heating or air conditioning system suddenly stops working in your Olympia home, it’s easy to think the worst. However, sometimes the malfunction is not really caused by your...